The monsoon rains are one of the best times to enjoy nature but the water drizzle when enjoyed outside feels like liberation; inside it feels disturbing, chaotic and ruining. Even if the rains put out the sun from concentrating its scorching heat as it comes right after summers, the rainwater is not welcome in our homes.
So here we are, discussing the 5 ways how you can rain proof your apartment, this monsoon.
1. Check For Leaks
Leaks are these sneaky little holes which dodge your eye while you are searching for them and trick you into believing that they don’t exist. But, as the first shower of rain arrives; they reveal their ugly faces and come out in full swing. The next thing you know, the floor beneath it is all wet and anybody can slip and fall. Use this two-component resin and hardener epoxy putty used for sealing and fix these from dripping chaos into your lives.
2. Rain Proof Your Doors And Windows
Even the door and windows need to be rain-proofed. The little gaping around the doors and windows lets the water into your house gets all over your furniture and damages and weakens the wood. The moisture is not very healthy for many of the household items.
3. Fresh Paint
Get a fresh coat of paint over your walls inside and if possible, outside of your house to avoid moisture damp on the walls. The moisture if let sit over time can loosen the grip of walls and it can even fall off. Its less likely to happen but if the walls are coated with a fresh coat of paint it will not happen and the rainy season will pass before it even starts to affect the walls breaking through the new coat of paint.
4. Check The Wiring Around Your House
Its critical rather important to check these wiring every 3 months & not just because of the rainy season approaching. Although, if you have not followed this routine, make sure that you get all the wiring around your house checked. The live or even dead wires can let water run down on them and will help the water slide right into your home without you even knowing it. Also, moisture around electrical appliances, wiring, sockets etc are very dangerous as it can aggravate sparking and house fires which is not what we want.
5. Get All Holes Unclogged
Holes like gutters, downspouts, drains, pipe fittings which direct the contaminated water out of your house need to be running absolutely free from any kind of blockages. If there are blockages, the running rain water can get stuck which becomes the breeding ground for insects and bacteria.
Get the holes check by your local plumber and if the problem seems bigger get the fittings changed right away. Don’t wait for it to get clogged.
So, these are the five tips through which you can rainproof your house instantly and get ready to enjoy the rains with a little cautious mind and some precautions taken. Sure, it will involve some kind of expenditure but for your house, your health and your safety; it’s a very small price to pay.
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